In this post i am going to show you how to upgrade redmi 3s/ 3s prime miui 11
THis is officail rom and based on marshmallow
pleaseee aspect nougat xiaomi not releasee ..
but dont worry but majjor different is miui 11
ths is very fast compare miui 11
fastest fluent
Redmi 3s update into miui 11 officail methed ! No Root ! with locked bootloader !

Pre Requirements–
1. Redmi 3s or prime ( soc 430version ) 2gb 3gb same methoed apply
2 .orignal data cable
3 .Extenal strage for memory card or pc storage
4. MIUI 9 update file -link are provided in downbelow
5. Charge redmi 3s upto 60% or above
1 . Download the update file and save your external storage
2. Backup your all data photos video music ..because after update
your all data wil be eraased
3. Charge your redmi 3s upto 70%
4 . Reset your phone normal go to additional setting and choose backup and reset phone
5. After reset .setup your phone
6. Now connect your phone wifi or mobile data
7. Copy update file from external storage and paste in phone internal storage
8. Go to setting and choose about and select system update
9. Click three doots and select choose update package
10. Locate your update file and mark it and than select ok
11. Now phone processs take 15 min
12 . During update do not swich off
13. After 15min setup your phone again
20. Now Your phone successfully update miui 11
Note ….Pleaseeee download only latest devp ver from miui main page of redmi 3s or prime …if u download old ver u dont upgrade
to miui 9 rom
This new policy by xiaomi
they suppoted only latest roms like apple