In this post i am going to show you how to install havoc os . this is very fast and fluid rom an again is a top-level of custom rom for our redmi note 7 pro , this rom performce in very good pubg running smooth no lag or no any heating issue in this rom . so if want to plan flash this rom than definalty try . feel it and use code name is havoc os violet

What is Havoc OS?
Havoc OS is a Custom ROM designed on the base of Pixel and In this rom many new features that may not be present in other Custom made ROM. The ROM brings a System-wide Rounded UI, Spectrum support, Battery Teak features, Status bar tweaks and lot more customisations . For knows more read the complete Havoc OS features here.
Android 10 Q is the 10th version of Android OS. It brings plenty of new features to the device system like system UI, new gesture navigation, improved privacy and location controls. The update also offers enhanced app permissions, foldable display support, security features, system-wide dark mode, etc.
The Android 10 also offers built-in call screening, multi-camera API, smart replies in the notification panel, 5G and 4g ( on phone harware depended ) support, improved call quality, bubble feature, live caption, and more. While the latest version also improves battery life, Focus mode which is similar to the Do Not Disturb mode, etc. Apart from that Android 10 also features 65 new emojis. It also comes with direct audio streaming support to hearing aid devices. so try this rom and feel it your self i cant define full features
How To Unlock Bootloader of Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro read more
- Redmi note 7 PRO
- memory card any Otg type c
- must custom recovery install
Oxygen rom Install | Android 10 | Redmi note 7 pro | 99 % stable ROM | Updated click here
| The process here for Havoc os Rom install |
- Boot Into phone custom recovery
2. Select wipe
3. Format data ( yes )
4. wipe phone advance tick ( davik, cache ,data , system, ) not tick vender
5. three file download below
6. Copy three files and paste in utg and pendrive
7. put into memory card in phone
8. click install
9. select storage and memory card or otg
10. select miui patch file and Just slide
11. havoc rom File and just slide
12. gapps flash
13. select wipe and silde
14. After reboot system
3 to 5 min installation process not touch any function
- havoc os
2. gapps android 10 pico download only
( pico download ) only
DOWNLOAD3. Patch file miui 11.0.6. ( 60mb )
Important Note | please do that own risk any king damage our team not responsible
For related post here |
- Redmi note 7 pro flash file ( download ) FiRMWARE UPDATE
- redmi-note-7-pro-no-root-officail-methoed-flashing-easy-step/