Redmi 4a flash with EDl mode solution | flash 100% locked bootloader | Officail rom |in this video i am going to show you redmi 4a flash official firmware
fix any software issue using this methoed
this is officail rom flash not custom rom
soo dont woorry its safe but pleasssee read carfully all
Pre Requirements here
1. REdmi 4a ( soc 425 indian variant
2. standard data cable ( orignal cable)
3. windows 8.1 or 10
4. drivers or firmware ( links provided down blow )
Follow These steps……
1. Install MI flash beta tool
2. Install Qualcomm drivers
3. Extract the fastboot Rom ( code name rolex ..)
Extract two times rom
Use & 7 zip tool ( https://goo.gl/RmsFbQ )
4. open the MI flash beta tool
5. click select option
6. After select the rom main folder ( where extract the fastboot rom )
LIke ( rolex_global_images_V8.2.9.0.MCCMIDL_20170524.0000.00_6.0_global_4b779a77f0)
7.now go your phone switch off redmi 4A
8. remove sim tray and open the back panal
9 ,unscrew all screw
10. remove motherboard shell
11. and find two dots ( show in video )
12. short the two points-BY copper wire or any steel pin
13 during short connect the data cable same time
14 . after release the pin
15 and go to pc and click refresh option
16 This time your device in EDL Mode ( Emergency download mode
17. like COM1 ( device manager ) 9008 mode check it
18. Now click start button
19 AFter 45 min or 3000 sec (MAx ) flash done
20 . congress your devices flash successfully
Download Links Here
1.Qualcomm drivers
2. MI pc suite
3. MI flash beta tool
4. fastboot rom main page
Or Direct download fastboot rom
NOTE – If devices after flash not start automatic
than disconnect the battery and reconnect
This is 100% safe// If follow these steps carefully
PLeasee do it on your own risk
any damage i am not responsible
If any question regarding this video then please comment
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