How to remove Tecno Kc1 FRP lock
tecno kc1 frp
tecno kc1 flash file
tecno kc1 frp file
Tecno Kc1 FRP Unlock
Charge your device at least 80% or above.
A stable wifi internet connection.
Follow all the below steps very carefully, don’t skip any step.
For method 1, you need to download all the files to your PC, Download files like Tecno Kc1 FRP file and SP Flash tool.
Make sure: you need the Xiaomi Authorized Login tool to Tecno Kc1 FRP Unlock successfully.
Tecno Spark 4 FRP file Download
Tecno Spark 4 FRP tool Download
Download-Agent file Download
Method 1 to Tecno KC1 FRP Bypass with FRP File
First of all, Download all the files from the download section.
Once all the files downloaded extract the Tecno Spark Go FRP File and Tecno Spark Go FRP Tool.
There you will see “2” files,
⇒SP Flash tool.zip
FRP Files folder.
Well now extract the SP Flash tool there.
Add DA File in SP Flash tool
Once extracted, open the SP Flash tool extracted the folder,
Now find there SP Flash Tool.exe, Then run the SP Flash tool.exe from there.
After that, click on the Download Agent tab, and give the file path of the Download Agent file (you can find it on Tecno KC1 FRP File folder) and then press the open button.
Add Auth File SP Flash Tool
Then click on the Scatter-loading, then give the file path of Tecno kc1 MTK Scatter file (File should be in the FRP file) folder and press the open.
Now go to the Format tab by click on the “Format” icon.
Then check the Manual Format from there.
Open the FRP Format Address.txt file from the FRP file folder.
0xf5580000=> Begin Address field.
0x100000=> Format Length field.
All files are now successfully selected, now you can format the FRP storage successfully.
Make Sure:– Before you connect your device you need to install Vivo MTK USB driver on your PC.
Then Open the “SP Flash Tool” and then click on the “Start” icon from there.
Now, Connect your Device.
First Power Off your Device, Then connect your device to your computer using a good USB cable,
Then check on the SP Flash Tool a green line will appear, That’s mean your device flashing will be started.
Note:- If your Tecno spark Go not detected on the SP Flash Tool, Then reinstall USB Driver and restart your PC and then follow the whole process once again.
Once flashing finished, then you will get a pop-up window,
Then disconnect and power on your device,
Great, you have successfully done Tecno spark Go FRP Bypass.