How to Flash firmware Lephone W9 flash file | lephone w9 flash file

› If your phone in boot or hang or stuck on lephone logo than your right place your recovery your phone easly no need any box or chiplevel knowlage
› if have some software related isuues than your phone requied for flashing software
› if your device lock with pattren or password than u need to flash your phone soo your phone need for flashing software like stock rom
•Special note• Firstly you need to boot your pc in disable driver enforcement
(Highly recommended-window 7 64bit)
Because SPD drivers are capable for window 7 i pernaly tested on windows 7 64 bit
How to Flash Lephone W9:
Only Qualcomm CPU with Firmware extension .cpb can be flashed using QGDP tool.
1. Download the latest QGDP tool.
2. Install ADP DRIVERS.
3. Then, connect mobile to PC.
4. Open device manager and confirm your mobile has been identified by PC.
5. Unzip tool and run the setup.
6. When tool interface appears, enter ase as password.
7. Click on Login to use the tool.
8. Click on Config and select CPU model.
9. select the CPB file and assign the path of firmware.
10. Switch off Mobile, connect it to PC using USB cable.
11. Click on start.
12. Flashing starts and when completed Cell 0 will turn in to green color.
•IT makes sure to take your responsibility for any damage•
1 . Lephone w2 FLashing here
2 . Lephone w7 FLASHING HERE
3 . LEphone w9 FLASHING HERE
THIS IS ONLY W9 model IF U HAVE W7 THan click here to flash methed model