HI frendz in this video i am going to show you how to update
redmi 5a miui 10 to miui 11 stable update without unlock bootloader
and without root this is offcial develper rom
its globe miui 11 rom
this is officail methoed
no warrty losse
this is support only redmi 5a 2gb and 3gb models
this pre realease officail rom beta rom
soo dont worry
»Pre Reuirements
1. redmi 5a 2gb ram or 3gb ram model only snapdragron 425 version
2. charge your redmi 5A above 70%
3 .download miui 10 update file
4. Internet
» Follow Steps
1. Backup your all data phots video music
2. Reset your redmi 5A
3. after the reset setup your redmi 5A
4. charge your phone upto 70%
5. connect your phone to internet wifi or mobile data
6. Copy update file and paste your internal storage
any folder
7. go to phone and open setting
8. choose about section and select system update
9. Click three dots and select choose update package
10. locate your update file where you paste folder
11. Select update file and mark
12 .select ok thats it
Now your the update file verify online and it automaticly decript
min 5 min to dicrept the update file
13.after decript than select erased and update
After your phone takes min 15 min to update to miui 9 to miui 10
during this process dont swich off or oprate any fucation ..keep updating
14 . After updating setup your phone
and enjoy in your phone miui 10
Congress now your phone update miui 10 to miui 11