Oxygen rom Install | Android 10 | Redmi note 7 pro | 99 % stable ROM | Updated here | 2020
redmi note 7 pro oxygen rom update here 2020

in this post i am going to show you how to update redmi note 7 pro manual
in oxygen rom . oos rom is best rom for redmi note 7pro
one plus roms is best rom for one plus devices. in this hole video i describe full process of oos rom
in redmi note 7 pro . u can directly download this rom and paste in the memory card and boot into twrp and any custom recovery . and format data and normal wipe and install this rom direcly .
Developer :
havoc os On redmi note 7 pro | install | voilet | latest version | clickhere
- redmi note 7 PRO
- memory card any Otg type c
- must custom recovery install
| The process here for OxyGen Rom install |
- Boot Into phone custom recovery
- select wipe
- format data ( type yes ok )
- wipe phone normal
copy zip in memory card or usb otg c type
5. put into memory card in phone
6. install ( please install magisk manager becasue other wise your twrp recovery delete ) after flash stock rom flash required after
7. select storage and memory card or otg
8. select oxygen rom file and just slide
3 to 5 min installation process not touch any function
9. After select wipe and just Slide
10 .After reboot system
- oxygen rom
2. PATCH MIUI 11. 60mb
Important Note | please do that own risk any king damage our team not responsible
For related post here |
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- redmi-note-7-pro-no-root-officail-methoed-flashing-easy-step/
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