How To Root Redmi Note 8 Pro Miui 12 with Magisk Manager

[ How To Root Redmi Note 8 Pro ]


Do you want to know How To Root Redmi Note 8 Pro then you are at the right place, Today in this article I have come with the guide to Root the newly launched Redmi Note 8 Pro ?

I have shown you five different methods to RootIf anyone of the method failed then you can try other methods that worked for you.


[ Here Are Specs of the Redmi Note 8 Pro ]


This Redmi Note 8 Pro is the newly launched device by Xiaomi. It has some great features, Here is some Key Specification of Redmi Note 8 Pro First sale of the xaiomi redmi note 9 pro 29th August 2019 . is highly sold on amazon india . onle 20 sec to out of stock. Every year Xiaomi release Note series android smartphone, which is high end specs and mid budget .Oue Indian people is find budget is smartphone and high-end specs . Xiaomi is full fill of public Dimond



What Does Rooting Means ?


When Rooting your device simply means giving a Root access to your phone. Once you root your phone, you have full control of your Android Phone . You can do whatever you want to do with your Android System Settings. Like modes , custom rom , custom recovery , remove bloatware and delelte unwanted pree instaled apps


But before we Root, we must know the Advantages and Disadvantages of Rooting your device.


Advantages Of Rooting

Here are lot of Advantages Rooting of Redmi Note 8 Pro

  1. You Can Install Custom Rom
  2. Flash Custom Rom or Update Your Phone To A Newer Version Of Redmi Note 8 pro
  3. You, Will, Be Able To Remove Pre Installed apps On Your Android phone
  4. Get Custom Kernel To Increase Your Phone Performance
  5. Take Complete Full Backup Of Your Android phone
  6. Install tweek and modes

Related Article:Twrp Recovery Redmi note 8 Pro 100% Working Latest

[ Disadvantages Of Rooting ]


Here are some Cons or Disadvantages of Rooting Redmi Note 8 Pro

  1. Phone Warranty Will Be Void ( but Flash your stock rom again under warranty )
  2. While Rooting If Anything Goes Wrong Your Might Be Bricked
  3. Your Device Will Be No Longer Secure
  4. You Won’t Be Able To Install Ota Updates Through Your Phone

[ Pre-Requirements ]


1.Unlock Bootloader On Redmi Note 8 Pro 

2. Also, We Need To Install TWRP Recovery Or custom recovery on  Redmi Note 8 Pro

3. Data Cable and One memory card or otg


[ Follow These Steps ]



2.  Unlock bootloader first if not ( )

3.  Restart you pc disable driver enforcement ( google it )

4.  Install PC Suite  for all drivers

5.  Extrect miui platform tool

6.  AFTER extect copy twrp file and paste miui platform tool which extracted

7 . Rename twrp.img    ( twrp coming soon of redmi note 8 pro )

8. Open miui platfrom tool and dubble click cmd here

9.  After swich off your redmi note 8 pro

10. Hold vol down and power button 10 sec

11. Your phone in fastboot connect your phone to pc with cable

12. And type commont ( fastboot devices ) PRESS ENTER

13. Next commont ( fastboot format userdata ) PRESS ENTER

14. After next commont  ( fastboot flash recovery twrp.img ) PRESS ENTER

15 . Disconnect phone from data cable

16.  vol + and power button

17.  Now your phone boot into twrp

18 . Select wipe option and select format data  ( type yes ) and format

19. After back and choose reboot and power off

20. Boot into again twrp Vol up and power 5sec

21. Now click install

22. Than again select install and select storage and select Magisk Manager file ( slide and confirm )

23.  Than install magisk manager select reboot system  

28 . Wait 5 min for starting phone

29. step up your miui 12

30. congress your redmi note 8 pro successfully rooted


  1. Magisk Manager

Download  or latest




Warning! Is Not Liable For Any Loss Or Damage To Your Smartphone. The Methods Shown In This Site Are Not Tested For Every smartphone. So, Try It With Your Own Risk.



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