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Mi flash unlock tool not detecting phone problem solved 101%

in post in going to show to fix mi tool detection error i face mi flash tool errors

downblew likes errors . i will provide methed of solve this detection problem

when you connect your mi phone to flash tool for bootloader unlocking . than

you r face this error . this is driver problem of your pc normaly if your pc instaled

drivers sign in driver and unsign dirver they are mix up with your other drivers





not connected to the phone
mi phone not connected to the phone


Error of types


Mi unlock tool error
Mi unlock tool error 1004
mi unlock tool error 1
mi unlock tool error couldn’t get info
mi unlock tool error 90000
mi unlock tool error at 99
mi unlock tool unknown error (-1)
mi unlock tool network error
mi unlock tool 99 error solution
mi unlock tool unknown error
mi flash unlock tool error
mi unlock tool initialization error 1
mi account unlock tool error
mi flash unlock tool network error
mi flash unlock tool unknown error
mi account unlock error fix tool
mi account unlock tool xiaomi account unlock error fix tools
mi flash unlock tool
mi flash unlock tool download
network error in mi unlock tool



Mostly face this error in os


normaly this error face in windows 8 and windows 10


Advice friends I highly recomomded windows 7 64 os use



please use windows 7 64 bit oprating system because mosly before made tools capable windows 7 . many deveplopers tool tested on windows 7 . so use fresh windows 7




Following these steps care fully

  1. uninstall all drivers  ( all mi tools and driver )

2. qualcomm usb driver ( uninstall )

3. mi flash tool ( unistall )

4. restart your pc in (  disable driver signature enforcement   )


If install windows 7 here steps

  1. shut down your pc

2.  power on pc and quick press button  F8   ON keyboard

now you r see black window

press keyboard F7 and select option


if u have windows 8 and 8.1 and 10 any ver

  1. go to windows icon

2. go to setting

3. update and security

4. recovery

5. advance startup

6. click restart

7. troubleshoot

8. Advance option

9.startup setting option

10. restart

11. press f7 key on keyboard

(  Now your pc in disable driver signature enforcement )

Method 2


  1. extract mi unlock tool

2. move this main folder of tool to  c   driver in root folder

Method 3


  1. connect your phone into fastboot boot

2. go to device manager

3.  click your desktop name

4.find android bootloader interface

select and right lick and update driver

5.browse my computer for driver software

6. le me pick from a list of available driver on my computer

7. have a disk

8.brose mi  unlock tool

9. and select driver folder and chosse it windows 10

10.android_winusb.inf file

and  ok

11. and select android bootloader interface

I HOPE this time your phone is detect in mi flash tool

enjoy bootloader unlock





Qualcomm driver