in this Post i am shoing you how to update redmi y2 manual android 9 pei to android 10 Q i describe in simple steps .if you want update your redmi y2 or s2 its video following
you and update your new features of redmi y2
this is msm custom rom for redmi y2/s2 its totaly based on android 10 Q its no required for root .
msm extended rom is best rom for redmi y2 .
i am full sure mi not update for android q for redmi y2 . but is capable
No issue but some bug like crashing while multifunctions
1. Redmi Y2/s2 Soc 625
2. data cable
3. memory card
4. pc or laptop
1. download all files from link
2. extect adb and fastboot
3. copy twrp and paste adb and fastboot folder
4. backup all data becasue after this process data will be erased
5. connect your phone normal and select file trasfer
6. copy msm rom and gapps and paste in memory card
7. now swich off your phone
8. hold power button and vol down
9 now y2 in fastboot mode
10 . connect your data to pc
11. open adb fastboot folder and hold shift key and click mouse right click and selcect open commond window here
12. first commond type fastboot devices ( Hit enter )
13. next commond type ( fastboot flash recovery twrp.img ) hit enter
14. disconnect your data from phone
15. hold vol up and power button 5 sec. when logo apper release
power button ..continue hold vol up ( if phone on normaly than again repeat this process and reflash twrp recovery )
16. your phone in twrp recovery
17 . silde and ignore warrning type
18 . select wipe and select format data and type yes
19. select wipe and just slide
20. now reboot and power off
21. hold power button and vol up ( boot into twrp again )
22. now select install and select storage
23. select msm rom and slide and flash
24. after back again install and select gapps
25. silde and flash
26 . after select wipe and select reboot system
Congress your phone in android 10 Q
Developed By :
2. twrp recovery
DOWNLOAD4. Gapps download
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